Version Updates
1.0.1 · 1.0.2 · 1.1 · 1.1.1 · 1.1.2 · 1.1.3 · 1.2 · 1.2.1 · 1.3 · 1.5 · 1.5.1 · 1.6 · 2.0 · 2.0.1 · 2.0.2 · 2.1 · 2.1.1 · 2.2 · 2.3 · 2.4 · 2.4.1 · 2.5 · 2.5.1 · 2.6 · 2.7 · 2.8 · 2.9 · 3.0 · 3.0.1 · 3.0.5 · 3.1 · 3.1.1 · 3.1.5 · 3.1.6 · 3.1.7 · 3.2 · 3.2.5 · 3.2.6 · 3.3 · 3.3.1 · 3.3.5 · 3.4 · 3.4.1 · 3.4.2 · 3.4.5 · 3.4.6 · 3.5 · 3.5.5 · 4.0 · 4.0.1 · 4.0.5 · 4.1 · 4.1.5 · 4.2 · 4.2.5 · 4.3 · 4.3.5 · 4.4 · 4.4.5 · 4.5 · 4.5.5 · 5.0 · 5.0.5 · 5.1 · 5.1.5 · 5.1.6 · 5.2 · 5.2.5 · 5.3 · 5.3.5 · 5.4 · 5.4.1 · 5.4.5 · 5.5 · 5.5.5 · 6.0 · 6.0.5 · 6.0.7 · 6.0.8 · 6.1 · 6.1.5 · 6.1.7 · 6.2 · 6.2.5 · 6.2.7 · 6.3 · 6.3.5 · 6.3.7 · 7.0
List of bugs fixed


March 2, 2020.


  • The new set, Haunted by Memories, has been added.
  • The new Hero, Zero, joins the fray!
    • Along with Zero, the following have also been added.
      • A new Hero Story has been added.
      • New quests have been added to Chronicles.
      • New Achievements have been added.
      • Zero has been added to Practice.
  • Balance changes have been implemented.
  • The new Ranked Match "Nergigante" begins.
  • A new Season Pass is now on sale.
  • Deck Filter function has been added.
    • The ▼SORT&FILTER button has been added to the Deck List screen allowing players to sort and filter their decks.

We hope this helps you organize your decks more!

  • The name of the card tribe "Demi-Human" has been changed.
    • The name of the tribe has been changed as follows. (This only changes the name of the tribe. Card effects will not be affected.)
Before: Demi-Human
After: Beast
  • Other changes.
    • The login UI has been changed.
    • The UI for the Missions screen has been changed.
    • Some text has been changed.
    • Some aspects of UI, behavior, and communication processing have been updated.
  • Some bugs have been fixed.

Bugs fixed[]

  • When a card whose status has changed is sent to the Graveyard, the status may not be reset.
  • If a card is sent to the Graveyard, all statuses are supposed to be reset to their original values.
  • In the Input Name and the Name Deck, some emoticons used before the ver.2.1 update cannot be entered.
  • When using the card “Burn Rooster (DON 011)” and taking the following steps, the Burn Rooster’s Attack may not work correctly.
1. Under certain conditions, make a unit’s attack to kill Burn Rooster and send it to the Graveyard.
2. Then, move Burn Rooster, which was sent to the Graveyard, from the Graveyard using effects such as adding to the EX Pocket.
  • If a unit that has the “Death” ability targeting the enemy unit that destroyed itself is destroyed by the “Destroy” ability of the enemy unit, the “Death” ability is not activated.

Regarding Balance Changes[]

Thank you for your continued enjoyment of playing TEPPEN.

We are committed to encouraging a wide variety of useful decks and strategies that players can create by combining Hero Arts and cards. We have gone through with some planned balance adjustments for this purpose. As such, our hope is to keep the meta in constant flux, with even the most popular decks ever changing due to a large number of decks that can counter them. However, a review of the game data since the release, as well as the high frequency of Hero Arts use and win rate of decks including them, has revealed excessive polarities and a high tendency for certain cards and Hero Arts to be used. In order to achieve a better balance of strategies, a balance adjustment will be made to several Hero Arts and certain cards as part of an update in March.

The reasons for these adjustments are detailed below.

*Cards affected by the rebalancing will reap the same number of souls required for their crafting between the release of ver. 2.2 and the release of ver. 2.3.

Balance Changes[]


Version 2.2 Update Iris (COR 067)

Iris (COR 067)

[MP:5] [Attack:1] [HP:6]
<MP Boost: 50>
[MP:5] [Attack:1] [HP:4]
<MP Boost: 50>
Reason for change

With high <Shield> as well as high defensive capabilities, this unit survive on the field for a long time, resulting in a massive MP advantage. By adjusting its defenses, the amount of attacks and counters needed to destroy this unit is reduced, making it easier to deal with.

Version 2.2 Update Huitzil (TFS 039)

Huitzil (TFS 039)

[MP:6] [Attack:2] [HP:8]
This unit cannot attack.
<Ascended>: +4 Attack and loses "This unit cannot attack."
[MP:6] [Attack:2] [HP:6]
This unit cannot attack.
<Ascended>: +4 Attack and loses "This unit cannot attack."
Reason for change

Although it gains a strong effect when <Ascended> is what <Ascended> is supposed to be, Huitzil has very strong defense even before it becomes <Ascended>. Because of that, it tends to stay on the field for a long time, allowing time for multiples to be placed. This makes comebacks difficult and games are often decided at that point. By adjusting its defenses, the amount of attacks and counters needed to destroy this unit is reduced, making it easier to deal with.

Version 2.2 Update Hell Antenora (TDA 058)

Hell Antenora (TDA 058)

[MP:4] [Attack:2] [HP:5]
Taking damage (self): Deals damage equivalent to own Attack to a random enemy unit.
[MP:4] [Attack:2] [HP:4]
Taking damage (self): Deals damage equivalent to own Attack to a random enemy unit.
Reason for change

This card is powerful enough that it can take down colossal units that cost 6 MP or more on its own. By adjusting its HP, massive units with high attack should be able to handle this card easier.

Version 2.2 Update Souls' Return (TDA 073)

Souls' Return (TDA 073)

Returns all units to their respective decks.
Remove 3 cards from your deck.
Returns all units to their respective decks.
Reason for change

Although this card gains a strong effect at the cost of a high MP cost, in decks that utilize restricting the amount of units on board and exhausting all cards, the advantage gained from being able to use this card multiple times provided too much of an advantage. For this reason we have adjusted this card’s effect.

Version 2.2 Update Surge of Demonic Power (TDA 075)

Surge of Demonic Power (TDA 075)

Changes the MP cost of all cards in both players' hands and EX Pockets to 1.
Halves the MP cost of all cards in both players' hands and EX Pockets.
Reason for change

Even though this also affects your opponent, its strength was in being able to use it at a time advantageous for you. In addition to that, being able to get this card into your starting hand provided too much of an advantage. Because of that, we have adjusted this card’s effect.

Version 2.2 Update Starvation Impulse (TFS 093)

Starvation Impulse (TFS 093)

Sacrifices 3 Life.
Gives a friendly unit +1/+1.
If a friendly unit has had the <Ascended> status at least once during this battle, gives an additional +2/+2.
Sacrifices 3 Life.
Gives a friendly unit +1/+1.
If a friendly unit has had the <Ascended> status three or more times this battle, gives an additional +2/+2.
Reason for change

This card offers a powerful effect at the cost of having to meet certain conditions. However, since the necessary <Ascended> count was so low, you were able to easily obtain and use this powerful effect on a unit early on in the game, often leading to certain victory. We have adjusted its needed <Ascended> count so that you cannot utilize its full potential straight from the start.

Hero Arts[]

Shinku Hadoken

Shinku Hadoken

Deals 7 damage to an enemy unit.
Deals 7 damage to an enemy unit.
Reason for change

Due to the ways to prevent damage is limited and this being a powerful damaging effect, we have adjusted the frequency this can be used in one battle.



Gain MP +4 when leaving the field.
Gain MP +4 when leaving the field.
Reason for change

Due to its ability to easily create a huge MP advantage, we have adjusted the frequency this can be used in one battle.

Shadow Blade

Shadow Blade

Deals 4 damage to an enemy unit.
If that unit has <Flight>, deal 6 damage instead.
Your Hero gains Life equal to the damage dealt.
Deals 4 damage to an enemy unit.
If that unit has <Flight>, deal 6 damage instead.
Gives +2 Life to your Hero.
Reason for change

We have adjusted the amount healed due to it being able to easily reverse the HP difference between you and your opponent with its massive healing.


  • A new "X" effect will appear in front of an ability's text during the Active Response if a player uses a card with the ability to Negate.
  • The wording of Ebony & Ivory's effect was changed, but the effect remained the same.

