Soul Shop promotional image

The Soul Shop (ソウルショップ Souru Shoppu?) is a feature introduced with the Version 3.1.5 Update. In it, players can exchange Souls for certain items.

In some cases, the item in question may be available in the shop for a limited amount of time.

As of the Version 3.2.5 Update, select Secret Cards can be bought from the shop.


Secret Sphere[]

Players can use the Secret Sphere to craft one Secret Card they own (excluding Basic Cards). The Secret Sphere priced at 1 Soul is a special promotion for the shop's introduction.

Name Price Quantity
Secret Sphere 3,000 Soul 3 max per month
Secret Sphere 1 Soul 1 (special promotion)

Hero Skin[]

Hero Skins can be bought via the Soul Shop, they each come with one player icon. EX Skins are currently not available. New Recolor Skins are initially not available upon its release, but will be available at a later date.

Name Price
100,000 Soul each


After a BGM (Background Music) is purchased, players may go to the Home Screen → Other → Music and select the desired BGM to play during matches. The option that says "Your Side" must be turned on to hear the purchased BGM.

As of the Version 3.4 Update, BGM can also be selected to play in the main menu.

Name Price Preview
Proof of a Hero - Monster Hunter: World version - Monster Hunter: World 5,000 Soul
Guile's Theme - Street Fighter II 5,000 Soul N/A
Dr. Willy Stage 1 - Mega Man 2 5,000 Soul
Looming Dread - RESIDENT EVIL 2 5,000 Soul
Exorcizing Evil – Okami 5,000 Soul
Lock & Load – Blackened Angel Mix (Dante's Battle Music) – DEVIL MAY CRY 4 5,000 Soul
The Legend Descends – Fatalis: World version – Monster Hunter: World 5,000 Soul N/A
Pursuit – Corner the Culprit – Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney 5,000 Soul
The Mercenaries῀Wesker – Resident Evil 4 5,000 Soul
The Abyss – Oda Nobunaga's Theme – Sengoku BASARA: Samurai Heroes 5,000 Soul N/A
Queer Structure – Resident Evil 5,000 Soul N/A
Bury the Light – Devil May Cry 5 5,000 Soul
Icy Wicked Mind – Red Earth 5,000 Soul N/A
Theme of Karin Kanzuki – Street Fighter V 5,000 Soul N/A
Self-determination - Last Battle - Breath of Fire III 5,000 Soul N/A
Unwavering Bravery - Devil May Cry 5 5,000 Soul N/A
The Secrets of Kamura - Monster Hunter Rise 5,000 Soul N/A
Main Theme - Onimusha: Warlords 5,000 Soul N/A
Graveyard - Ghosts 'n Goblins 5,000 Soul N/A
Out of Control - Resident Evil Village 5,000 Soul N/A
Zero's Past - Megaman X 5,000 Soul N/A
an Encounter - DINO CRISIS 5,000 Soul N/A
Spike Rosered Stage - Megaman X5 5,000 Soul N/A
Main Theme - Bionic Commando 5,000 Soul N/A
The Ties That Bind (Ada) - Resident Evil 6 5,000 Soul N/A
Sigma Stage 1 - Megaman X 5,000 Soul N/A
Punishment! - Sengoku Basara 2 Heroes 5,000 Soul N/A
Pursuit - Gotta Corner the Culprit - Apollo Justice Ace Attorney 5,000 Soul N/A
Fortress of Turmoil - Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak 5,000 Soul N/A
Scarlet Feast - Malzeno - Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak 5,000 Soul N/A
Net Battle - Mega Man Battle Network 5,000 Soul N/A
RUNNING THROUGH THE CYBER WORLD - Mega Man Battle Network 5,000 Soul N/A
Something Lacking - HAUNTING GROUND 5,000 Soul N/A
The Beginning - Resident Evil 2 5,000 Soul N/A
Hellfire Hamlet - Ghosts 'n Goblins 5,000 Soul N/A
Super 8 Theme - Cyberbots 5,000 Soul N/A

Limited-Time Musics[]

Name Price Preview
M. Bison's Theme - Street Fighter II 5,000 Soul
(Available between April 16–25, 2021)
The Steel Samurai: Warrior of Neo Olde Tokyo - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney 5,000 Soul
(Available between May 2–16, 2021)
Phoenix Wright - Objection! 2001 - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney 5,000 Soul
(Available between May 16–June 1, 2021)
Theme of Ryu – Street Fighter V 5,000 Soul
(Available between June 25–Sept. 16, 2021)
The Voracious Devil – Deviljho: World Version – Monster Hunter: World 5,000 Soul
(Available between July 20–Sept. 16, 2021)
COLONEL&GENERAL – Megaman X4 5,000 Soul
(Available between Aug. 2–Sept. 16, 2021)
Krauser – Resident Evil 4 5,000 Soul
(Available between Aug. 12–Sept. 16, 2021)
Demitri Stage (Romania) – Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge 5,000 Soul
(Available between Oct. 10-31, 2021)
Battle of Ninetails – Okami 5,000 Soul
(Available between Oct. 10-31, 2021)
Snow-Kissed Iris – Sengoku BASARA 4 Sumeragi 4,000 Soul
(Available between Nov. 25-30, 2021)
Kazakh Theme – Strider 4,000 Soul
(Available between Nov. 25-30, 2021)
Ken's Theme - Street Fighter II 4,000 Soul
(Available between Dec. 19, 2021-Jan. 31, 2022 and May 1-18, 2023)
Spark of Blue - Zinogre - Monster Hunter 4 4,000 Soul
(Available between Dec. 19, 2021-Jan. 31, 2022 and May 1-18, 2023)
Silver-winged Star - Valstrax: Rise Version: The Chase - Monster Hunter Rise 4,000 Soul
(Available between Dec. 19, 2021-Jan. 31, 2022 and May 1-18, 2023)
X vs. Zero - Megaman X5 4,000 Soul
(Available between Dec. 19, 2021-Jan. 31, 2022 and May 1-18, 2023)
Results (Ada) - Resident Evil 6 4,000 Soul
(Available between ???-Mar. 21, 2022 and Jul. 3-Aug. 31, 2023)
Theme of Sakura - Street Fighter V 4,000 Soul
(Available between ???-??? and Jul. 3-Aug. 31, 2023)
Digging Deeper - Okami 4,000 Soul
(Available between ???-Apr. 25, 2022 and Jul. 3-Aug. 31, 2023)
Any Special Orders? (Nico's Shop) - Devil May Cry 5 4,000 Soul
(Available between ???-Apr. 25, 2022 and Jul. 3-Aug. 31, 2023)
Dark Temple - Onimusha: Warlords 4,000 Soul
(Available between May 1-15, 2022 and Jul. 3-Aug. 31, 2023)
Theme of Leo - Red Earth 4,000 Soul
(Available between May 15-31, 2022 and Jul. 3-Aug. 31, 2023)
Barbarous Beast - Magnamalo - Monster Hunter Rise 4,000 Soul
(Available between Jun. 1-19, 2022 and Jul. 3-Aug. 31, 2023)
Brilliance Eclipsed - Gore Magala - Monster Hunter 4 4,000 Soul
(Available between Jun. 17-30, 2022 and Jul. 3-Aug. 31, 2023)
Felicia Stage(U.S.A) - Vampire Hunter 2: Darkstalkers' Revenge 4,000 Soul
(Available between Jul. 1-Aug. 31, 2022 and Nov. 1-30, 2023)
Hellfire Hamlet - Ghosts 'n Goblins 4,000 Soul
(Available between Jul. 1-Aug. 31, 2022 and Nov. 1-30, 2023)
Bloodthirsty - Resident Evil Village 4,000 Soul
(Available between Jul. 15-Aug. 31, 2022 and Nov. 1-30, 2023)
Tachimi Circus - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Justice For All 4,000 Soul
(Available between Jul. 15-Aug. 31, 2022 and Nov. 1-30, 2023)
Set you at ease - DINO CRISIS 4,000 Soul
(Available between Sept. 1-Oct. 2, 2022 and Nov. 1-30, 2023)
A Rowdy in Ancient Ages - DINO CRISIS 4,000 Soul
(Available between Sept. 1-Oct. 2, 2022 and Nov. 1-30, 2023)
Transcend - Resident Evil Revelations 2 5,000 Soul
(Available between Sept. 22-Oct. 2, 2022)
Spooky Arena - Street Fighter V 4,000 Soul
(Available between Oct. 3-31, 2022 and Nov. 1-30, 2023)
Plastered in Pumpkins - Monster Hunter: World 4,000 Soul
(Available between Oct. 3-31, 2022 and Nov. 1-30, 2023)
Rising Sun - remixed by Professor Sakamoto - Okami 4,000 Soul
(Available between Nov. 15-30, 2022 and Nov. 1-30, 2023)
SENGOKU BASARA - remixed by SOUND HOLIC - Sengoku BASARA 4,000 Soul
(Available between Nov. 15-30, 2022 and Nov. 1-30, 2023)
Proof of a Hero - remixed by sasakure.UK - Monster Hunter 4,000 Soul
(Available between Nov. 15-30, 2022 and Nov. 1-30, 2023)
Maya Fey - Turnabout Sisters 2001 - remixed by OSTER project - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney 4,000 Soul
(Available between Nov. 15-30, 2022 and Nov. 1-30, 2023)
Armored Armadillo Stage - remixed version - Megaman X 4,000 Soul
(Available between Nov. 15-30, 2022 and Nov. 1-30, 2023)
Cut Man Stage - remixed version - Mega Man 4,000 Soul
(Available between Nov. 15-30, 2022 and Nov. 1-30, 2023)
Ghosts 'n Goblins - Graveyard - remixed by ARM (IOSYS) - Ghosts 'n Goblins 4,000 Soul
(Available between Nov. 15-30, 2022 and Nov. 1-30, 2023)
Ripples in the Calm - Resident Evil Village 5,000 Soul
(Available between Dec. 1-25, 2022)
Crystalline City - Ghosts 'n Goblins 5,000 Soul
(Available between Dec. 1-25, 2022)
FROZEN BUFFALIO STAGE (RXD X'mas Arrange) - Mega Man X DiVE 5,000 Soul
(Available between Dec. 1-25, 2022)
Ryoshima Coast II - Okami 5,000 Soul
(Available between Dec. 30, 2022-Jan. 24, 2023)
Sigma 1 - Megaman X5 5,000 Soul
(Available between Jan. 5-31, 2023)
Regina's challenge - DINO CRISIS2 5,000 Soul
(Available between Jan. 31-Feb. 28, 2023)
The Mercenaries ῀ Leon - Resident Evil 4 5,000 Soul
(Available between Jan. 31-Feb. 28, 2023)
Klavier Gavin - Guilty Love feat. Toshiyuki Kusuda -TEPPEN ver.- - TEPPEN 5,000 Soul
(Available between Mar. 1-14, 2023)
Apollo Justice - A New Era Begins! feat. KENN -TEPPEN ver.- - TEPPEN 5,000 Soul
(Available between Mar. 1-14, 2023)
Theme of Sakura - Street Fighter Alpha2 5,000 Soul
(Available between Mar. 14-Apr. 2, 2023)
Sparrow Inn - Okami 5,000 Soul
(Available between Mar. 14-Apr. 2, 2023)
Defendant Lobby - So it Begins - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney 5,000 Soul
(Available between Apr. 3-13, 2023)
Something to Look Forward To (Squeak! Squeak! Squeak! Meow!) - Monster Hunter Freedom Unite 5,000 Soul
(Available between Apr. 12-27, 2023)
Trucy's Theme - Child of Magic - Apollo Justice Ace Attorney 5,000 Soul
(Available between Apr. 12-27, 2023)
Splendiferous Silver Sovereign - Velkhana - Monster Hunter World: Iceborne 4,000 Soul
(Available between May 1-18, 2023)
Silver Bullet - Devil May Cry 5 4,000 Soul
(Available between May 1-18, 2023)
Devils Never Cry (Ending Credits) - Devil May Cry 3 4,000 Soul
(Available between May 1-18, 2023)
Lunatic Ray - Devil May Cry 5 4,000 Soul
(Available between May 1-18, 2023)
Devil Trigger - Devil May Cry 5 4,000 Soul
(Available between May 1-18, 2023)
Theme of ZERO (from Rockman X) - Mega Man Zero 4,000 Soul
(Available between May 1-18, 2023)
Gate - Megaman X6 5,000 Soul
(Available between May 14-31, 2023)
Golden Mane - Rajang: Rise Version - Monster Hunter Rise 5,000 Soul
(Available between May 14-31, 2023)
Twisted Kyoto - Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams 5,000 Soul
(Available between Jun. 16-Jul. 2, 2023)
Theme of Rainbow Mika - Street Fighter V 5,000 Soul
(Available between Jun. 16-Jul. 2, 2023)
Storm Eagle Stage (MMXD New Year Remix) - Mega Man X DiVE 4,000 Soul
(Available between Jul. 3-Aug. 31, 2023)
Waka's Promenade ~ Playing with Waka - Okami 4,000 Soul
(Available between Jul. 3-Aug. 31, 2023)
The Beast Bares Its Fangs - Tigrex - Monster Hunter Freedom 2 4,000 Soul
(Available between Jul. 3-Aug. 31, 2023)
Felyne Soup Strategy! - Monster Hunter 2 4,000 Soul
(Available between Jul. 3-Aug. 31, 2023)
VS. LifeVirus - Mega Man Battle Network 5,000 Soul
(Available between Jul. 13-31, 2023)
Theme of M. Bison - Street Fighter V 5,000 Soul
(Available between Jul. 13-31, 2023)
Battle Spirit - Mega Man Battle Network 2 5,000 Soul
(Available between Aug. 16-31, 2023)
Hometown - Mega Man Battle Network 2 5,000 Soul
(Available between Aug. 16-31, 2023)
Escape - Resident Evil 2 5,000 Soul
(Available between Sept. 14-Oct. 1, 2023)
Promenonsnous dans les bois - Resident Evil Village 5,000 Soul
(Available between Sept. 14-Oct. 1, 2023)
Where Wyverns go to Die - Monster Hunter Rise 5,000 Soul
(Available between Oct. 1-31, 2023)
W→R carousel - HAUNTING GROUND 5,000 Soul
(Available between Oct. 1-31, 2023)
The Theme of Trish - Devil May Cry 5,000 Soul
(Available between Nov. 15-30, 2023)
Power Station - Cyberbots 5,000 Soul
(Available between Nov. 15-30, 2023)
Megami Meguri (Instrumental Ver.) - Megami Meguri 5,000 Soul
(Available between Dec. 1-11, 2023)

Secret Cards[]

Secret Card Price
20,000 Soul each

Supplemental Cards[]

Supplemental Cards Price
3,200 Soul each
800 Soul each



See also[]

External links[]
