Jill007 Carlos issue A good mercenary always prepares for the worst.
This article contains information about content that currently has an issue.
Reason: This Hero Art was mistranslated, it only counts based on the Locks the Hero Art inflicted, Locks done via cards do not count.

I'm right here. Can't you catch me?

Mirage Decoy (ミラージュデコイ Mirājudekoi?) is a Hero Art of Ada Wong.


Lock all of your empty board slots for 5 seconds, then return all enemy units with an MP cost equal to or less than the number of board slots that were inflicted with Lock +2 to the deck.

Patch History[]

See also[]


Hero Arts

Shinku HadokenDenjin RenkiMetsu Shoryuken Dive AttackWrath AwokenBlazing Wall
Ultimate WeaponGenesisAntibody Activation Great Divine InterventionThunder EdgeCelestial Envoy's Miracle
Heart TankCharge ShotGaea Armor KikoshoHyakuretsukyakuYawn
Devil BreakerTrue PowerHey, Nico! ShieldspireCoral OrchestraPlunderblade
TemptationDarkness IllusionShadow Blade QuicksilverEbony & IvoryDevil Trigger
Fight Against Inner DemonsRakuhouhaTenkuuha BlackoutMirage DecoyBreak Away
Dark DestructionUroborosBringer of Nightmares Spike DivebombSpike LaunchChange Form
Raging DemonSekia KuretsuhaAshura Senku Dancing DeadDespair, wail, and perish!Dark Invitation